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About dTwin

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Text placeholder here Building Lifecycle IntelligenceTM the first industry-wide data-driven approach that grants all building stakeholders live access to reliable and accurate data, allowing knowledge-based decisions for building projects and operation.

See – Visual Analytics

From planning to construction and eventually the operation of a building, huge amounts of data are created by multiple stakeholders. However, this valuable information resides mostly in silos and thus becomes inaccessible throughout a building’s lifecycle.

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Placeholder From planning to construction and eventually the operation of a building, huge amounts of data are created by multiple stakeholders. However, this valuable information resides mostly in silos and thus becomes inaccessible throughout a building’s lifecycle. Efficiently track, filter and query the right information instantly. Real-time dashboards reveal operational insights and complete reports deliver project information and analysis to different stakeholders – from AEC service providers to operators and owners.

Understand – Connected Intelligence

From planning to construction and eventually the operation of a building, huge amounts of data are created by multiple stakeholders. However, this valuable information resides mostly in silos and thus becomes inaccessible throughout a building’s lifecycle.

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Placeholder From planning to construction and eventually the operation of a building, huge amounts of data are created by multiple stakeholders. However, this valuable information resides mostly in silos and thus becomes inaccessible throughout a building’s lifecycle. Efficiently track, filter and query the right information instantly. Real-time dashboards reveal operational insights and complete reports deliver project information and analysis to different stakeholders – from AEC service providers to operators and owners.

Act – Prediction and Decisions

From planning to construction and eventually the operation of a building, huge amounts of data are created by multiple stakeholders. However, this valuable information resides mostly in silos and thus becomes inaccessible throughout a building’s lifecycle.

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Placeholder From planning to construction and eventually the operation of a building, huge amounts of data are created by multiple stakeholders. However, this valuable information resides mostly in silos and thus becomes inaccessible throughout a building’s lifecycle. Efficiently track, filter and query the right information instantly. Real-time dashboards reveal operational insights and complete reports deliver project information and analysis to different stakeholders – from AEC service providers to operators and owners.

BENO image d Twin

Customer story

Customer Story Case Study Example Headline

Bringing efficiency and sustainability to existing buildings: Why the BENO Group relies on digital twins